Monday, March 5, 2012

The Guardian

I got a llama yesterday! This is Jewel, she is 10 years old and registered.

It was a bit foggy out this morning, which made for some neat pictures
Jewel with the sheep

Checking out the short fuzzies...

...And the tall majestic ones....

an itchy moment

Jewel seems very alert and curious. She has been handled lots and is halter broke, I still need to remove her halter. The sheep are familiar with llamas so they were not too traumatized. The goats think she's a bit weird but they don't really care. The milk cow - well maybe her eyes got a bit bigger, it's hard to tell, she is a Jersey with pretty big eyes as it is! :) 
The horses weren't really spooked but they thought it was a great excuse to ACT spooked and run around like crazy things! 

I caught Macy and Jack standing still in the fog:


The only ones that really noticed the llama, were my dogs. They know to stay out of the pens, but they run around the paddocks. They barked and growled at the strange new creature.

My hopefully future herding dog, Spice

I will monitor Jewel in the next week or so, to make sure she bonds with the flock. It might be a bit of a challenge because the goats come back to the corral to sleep at night, but the sheep prefer to sleep in the pasture. The horses go wherever they feel like it. If it looks like she is not bonding, I might separate the horses out into one camp, and bring the sheep up to the corral at night too.

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