Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Swinging into summer

Well Spring sped by at an incredible pace, helped by the fact that we still had lots of snow on the ground mid-April! The weather was tolerable outside but countless times I could not start a project due to snow. Fencing was put off, yard work was put off... And by the time it finally started melting I was full swing into lambing and kidding! That event went off without too much trouble and the weather stayed nice. Now we have hit the high temperatures of summer I feel my springtime enthusiasm for fencing waning... Much nicer to potter around in the shade of my yard! 
Here are some photos from the garden
Cilantro has somehow naturalized in my yard and shows up at the oddest places- here with the onions (and chickweed!)

Potatoes are looking good. Decided not to hill them this year and see what happens. 

Radishes inter-seeded with carrots. By the time the radishes are done, the rows are thinned for the carrots! 

Beans with squash at the far end of the bed 

Tomatoes behind the beans

Broccoli under a row cover to avoid cabbage worm

More tomatoes

Flowers in between to encourage pollinators 
Tomatoes and peppers under a row cover. Covers add heat and conserve moisture. 

Chickens next to the strawberry and rhubarb bed, chives in front

Trying sweet potatoes under a row cover with black plastic mulch. They like it hot! 

New strawberry bed with a red/pink flowering variety.